Jamie on Mythical Arete in the Cooleys
I have not blogged in a long while, but I am hoping to get the ball rolling again and try to capture some more climbing memories for my future self to look back upon. For the last 8 months or so I have been dabbling in the realm of adventurous trad climbing, it has been a ride !! But before I made the switch from pebbles to walls some bouldering went down, so here is a little catch up blog to start filling in the gaps.
Cooleys Scenery
J, Harri and I had a quality trip to the jagged, skin shredding gabbro of the Cooleys, It was gorgeous sunny day, soft skin and the spikey slopers and crimps are not an ideal combination, we got stuck in anyways and sent a few brilliant problems !! We warmed up on Cuchulain's Cave 5+ and the 6B Crystal Meth before working out the tricky sequence on Mythical Arete 6C and beasting it on the send train one after each other, CHOO CHOOOO !! its a lovely problem with a steep powerful crimpy sit start into a slopey technical finish, well worth the trip up from The Pale.
Angelina Jolie the 1st time I tried it ...
Me crushing Angelina Jolie 6b+
I had an epic battle on the slopey traverse line Angelina Jolie 6b+ before and was defeated, its a great line and I always wanted to come back to do it, this time I was victorious but not without a battle !! This rig is an absolute pig, I had to fight tooth and nail for every move, with skin and power in scarce supply I summoned up one of those 'okay lads this is the last go' moments and emptied the tank for a most satisfying revenge send, a fantastic piece of climbing well worth seeking out, lots of people told me they thought it was really undergraded and I have to agree, its deffo 6C probably 6C+, way more strength and cunning required than Mythical Arete 6c.
Jamie, Me, Hari
.Jamie on Sting Like A Bee
Meself and J had a feel of The Reckoner 7b and we thought it was a nice steep power line and decided that one day in the future, with lower temps and more mats, we would return and wage war upon it !! ...
Jamie on The Reckoner 7b
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